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WHO Is Eligible to Apply?

The ideal All Go No Quit candidate will:
-     have a minimum high school GPA of 3.2 (out of 4.0) or equivalent OR documented outstanding performance not recognized in their GPA.

-    is a current student finishing their high school diploma, GED, or equivalent with the goal to start their next step in education within the next 12 months 
-    will have demonstrated unique and above and beyond leadership, sportsmanship, good will, compassion to each/every teammate,
and significant bond with those around them (fans, contributors, supporters, community members).
-     obtained a written letter of recommendation from a coach, sponsor, mentor, teacher, or community affiliate (not a family member)  portraying the applicant has a remarkable interest in a future sports leadership role, i.e. volunteered as team leader, aspired to be a team captain or mentor for youth in younger grades, or has quietly went above and beyond the expectations of a team.

HOW Do I Submit My Application?

The application process is nice and simple.

Please send the following materials in any attachment format including Steps 1-4 via email to:
1) A written statement or letter of no more than 1,500 words from the applicant outlining above and beyond acts of kindness and sportsmanship, leadership qualities and achievements they are proud of. 

2) 1-2 written references in support of the applicant. References must include name, address and phone number of person supplying the reference.

3) The name of the university, college, sports camp, institution, or sports organization they will be attending and date they hope to start (i.e. October 1, 2025).

4) Any supportive documents or videos that help the applicant standout as a true leader on a team, in their class, supporting their teammates, etc. The scholarship committee requests that written materials be no more than 1-2 pages and videos or video weblinks should take less than 5 minutes.

5) Please include your full name, email address, best way to contact you (preferred email, cell phone #, texting) somewhere in your letter, application, or signature page.  


WHEN is the deadline?

There are multiple recipients per year, on a rolling basis. Please submit your application anytime.

HOW MUCH is the Christan Dowling Scholarship?

​The typical award will be $1,500.00 but not limited to one single award.

The All Go Not Quit Scholarship Committee will mail the scholarship award via check to each recipient AND/OR apply cash funds to their organization or school's administrative finance office of choice, if applicable. 

WHO to contact with questions?

Please send all questions via email to (!)   

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2022 Copyright All Go No Quit via Hank's Heroes Foundation

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